Investment in health is the best way of investment to lead a full and healthy life. People have started to invest in health and undergo health check-up regularly. People have started to realize that prevention is better than cure, and what better way to prevent than getting regularly tested and check on the well-being.

As the number of labs outgrows every day, utilization of machines to collect samples is also increasing. When labs get more samples to process from various sources, machine interfacing is helping labs in making their work easier and faster. In this blog, let’s discuss some of the best and modern ways by which labs can collect patient samples, avoiding all the hassle. The 4 efficient ways for lab sample collection are:

  • Walk-in  sample Collection
  • Collection of the sample at Home
  • Business to business Sample collection
  • Franchise-based sample collection

Walk-in Sample Collection:

This method of sample collection is the most personal easily accessible way to collect samples from patients. In this era of online-based life, it is a step towards betterment that laboratory tests are also made available with ease of access.

Patients can directly walk-in into the laboratories and give the samples. Labs will process the sample in the laboratory and give reports. In case, the samples need to be processed by main processing centers, the samples will be sent to the main processing centers and then collected back by the laboratories after the processing is over. Patients will be able to collect their detailed reports from the laboratories they visited.

Sample Collection at Home:

For many patients, deviation in health is a sensitive issue. Sometimes trustworthy lab institutes might be far away from the patient’s home. This leads to long hours of travel and long hours of waiting for the test to be taken by patients. The whole process might be a bit demotivating for the patients and the increase in their stress.

In this case, labs will visit the patient's home and collect samples for testing. The healthcare industry is reaching new heights by making it possible for patients to remain in their safe confinement and get their health tested in their comfortable time without physically leaving their homes.

After collecting the samples they will be processed in the labs or sent to the main processing center and a detailed report will be obtained and sent to the patients.

Home Sample Collection is beneficial for:

  • Patients who are bedridden
  • Post-surgery patients
  • Elderly patients
  • Chronically ill patients
  • Pregnant ladies

Business-to-Business Sample Collection Lab:

There are more competitors in the field of healthcare than in any other field. Their competition is that they perform better in serving the health of other people. This service needs to be done in an effective and time-saving manner which would put the patient at ease with the laboratory.

Business-to-business helping with sample collection can help you gain more recipients and a number of doctors recommending your clinic. Two or more businesses who are specialize in various fields of laboratory testing can partner up together and jointly help each other in each field. Big labs can partner with small labs and collect samples.

This way the businesses can direct patients who need specific tests in a diagnostic not available in their own lab but available in the partner's lab. Business-to-business sample collection can help them mutually gain a lot of patients and thereby trust in the system.

Franchise-based Sample Collection Lab:

Establishing a fully equipped diagnostic center in a city is viewed more than a business opportunity and as a service to the better health of mankind. Such diagnostic labs should be working in their 100 percent capacity with state-of-the-art equipment that delivers quality results.

Attaining such a high level of quality for the sample collection lab is difficult if you start out fresh. It would be best to join an already established company and start a new franchise that can help in diagnostic sample collection.

Having a franchise with a top company in sample collection and diagnostics will help you better in getting more patients to the lab and better manage the center.

With the already established name and fame of the company, the job for you would be easy.

To know more visit Mocdoc - LIMS Software

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Communication of patient lab data via state-of-the-art laboratory software

The profession of laboratory management system is a complicated one that requires the utmost care of the patients. The lab must convey a sense of trust to the customers so that they can entrust you with their samples for analysis.

Clinical Laboratories can now Wave off Manual Work:

With all this hard work already being done by clinical laboratories, the Department of Health took a new turn when it was decided that a lab has to send results directly to the patients. This was mainly done to relieve the stress from the patients who were waiting for their reports from the doctors. With instant report generation, doctors can now decide quickly on critical cases.

The mandatory direct lab report delivery to the patient can be done in various ways whichever is comfortable with the patient and the lab. With the latest technology on queue, the task has been rendered easy for the labs to be in touch with the patients. In this blog, let us discuss the various smart ways in which a lab can send lab reports to patients and deliver test sample reports to them.

Conveying the Message via Short Message Service (SMS):

Sharing reports via SMS can add to the benefit of sample report collection. One small SMS on the result of the test analysis can set the patient's mind at peace.

Lab reports, once generated, can easily be shared via SMS straight to the patient or the doctor, thus eliminating the need for manual handling, waiting time, or travelling. Reports of multiple tests performed by the patient are shared as separate updates to avoid possible commotion. With the intervention of LIMS Software in clinical laboratories, we help convey instantaneous report results to the patient as soon as the technician generates the results. The SMS conveying system for test results has many advantages, some of which are:

  • No manual human intervention is needed.
  • Immediate report sharing is made possible for emergency cases or critical patients.

Conveying the Message via E-mails:

One of the fail-safe methods for accessing patients anytime is messaging via electronic mail or E-mails. Incorporating advanced EMR (Electronic Medical Records) software enhances this communication channel, ensuring secure and efficient delivery of critical information. This method provides a convenient way to notify patients of their lab results promptly, allowing them to access full PDF reports via email. Additionally, the integration of EMR software allows for seamless consultation with a healthcare professional, further streamlining the patient experience and fostering a reliable means of communication between the laboratory and the patient.

This way the patient can be notified even at their place of work without them having to visit our facilities for manual collection of the report.

Once the lab report is generated with all the optimum observations made from the testing of samples, it can be sent via email in PDF format as an attachment so that the patient can infer from the report and take the necessary action if any is required. A LIMS Software-linked lab can save a lot of unwanted manual tasks and convey the message to the patient and doctor immediately for analysis. It has the same benefits as SMS, with the added advantage of the whole report being shared.

Report generation on Mobile App:

Mobile App Tracking:

        • A pre-installed mobile app on your smartphone offers the convenience of tracking the various phases of your test analysis. This feature keeps you informed about the progress and notifies you when your test results are ready.
        • With just a few swipes, you can access your test results as soon as they are generated by the technician.

        Real-time Results:

        Enjoy the benefit of real-time access to your test results through the mobile app. This ensures that you stay informed promptly, allowing for quick decisions or discussions with healthcare professionals.

        Confidentiality Assurance:

        Leverage the confidentiality of your smartphone to receive and review your test results. The secure environment of a personal device adds an extra layer of privacy to your health information.

        Accessibility Anytime, Anywhere:

        A smartphone with internet connectivity is all that is needed to access your reports on the go. This level of accessibility provides the flexibility to check the readiness of your report from anywhere and at any time.

        Convenient and Efficient:

        The mobile app streamlines the process, making it convenient and efficient for users to manage and view their test reports. This user-friendly interface enhances the overall experience of staying connected with your health information.

        Direct Collection of the report from the lab:

        Among the various intelligent approaches discussed earlier, the method of directly collecting the lab report from the laboratory stands out as a reliable option. This can be considered the final smart strategy in the lineup. Despite being a traditional approach, opting for the direct collection of the report from the lab is particularly secure, especially when dealing with sensitive information.

        While it involves a physical effort to obtain the report from the lab, an alternative is to have the report posted directly to the patient's home. This direct collection method can complement any of the previously mentioned patient-initiated lab report retrieval methods. The patient is first informed of the results and can then choose to collect the report at their convenience. The full PDF report sent via email, facilitated by advanced laboratory software, allows for easy viewing and consultation with a doctor, making the collection of the printed lab report a less urgent and more straightforward task.

        These represent a few of the methods available to send lab reports to patients, and clinical laboratories have the flexibility to utilize all or some of the above techniques. By employing these methods, the clinical laboratory aims to foster a sense of ease and trust with the patients, ultimately establishing a strong rapport.

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        Running a productive lab smoothly is tedious. Whether you are dealing with multiple samples or if you have an excessive number of deadlines approaching, following the practical tips given below will help in managing your lab efficiently.

        1. Keep an eye on your stuff:

        Your inventory covers all the specimens and reagents your lab will need for diagnostic or experimentation analysis. An effective way of sustaining inventory is to use a tool that makes use of barcodes to identify, categorize, and track samples. Regardless, the labels you utilize for vials, racks, tubes, and boxes need to be suitable for the atmosphere in which they will be used. For instance, labels marked ”cryogenic” can come in handy for any reagents stored in freezers or cell lines or specimens stored in liquid nitrogen. 

        2. Sustainment is key:

        Maintenance of the lab infrastructure is vital to ensure the durability of your reagents and samples. Refrigerators and freezers need to be sustained at the ideal temperature, Co2/O2 levels in each incubator should be controlled carefully, and the stocks of liquid nitrogen and other lab supplies must be replenished. Systems that can control your storage equipment, offering real-time notifications and updates while keeping detailed reports and logs of all parameter-related activity can make this entire process automated, with minimal human intervention, and will ensure that no other thing is missed. These types of systems work with a cloud-based framework and can integrate all reports in a single place and will notify the lab personnel if anything goes wrong.

        3. Stay Coordinated:

        Spending time in workflow management will enable you to enhance sample traceability, track inventory, improve overall personnel productivity, and more. Incorporating a LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) is an excellent way to do this as it will note the movement of each sample during the testing process, monitor its custody chain, and enable users to schedule downstream processing, analysis, and testing in a smooth manner. Getting the most out of your LIMS by using barcoded labels is critical as both will aid in sample traceability and tracking. 

        Communication and coordination are also vital when incorporating any system that optimizes workflow. Holding regular lab meetings will enable you to create and control any LIMS you wish to utilize and also keep a good record of all lab activities with the help of well-annotated lab books and LIMS. 

        4. It’s the system, not the people: 

        No matter how organized the labs are, errors will occur. Designing barriers and openly discussing the mistakes will decrease the likelihood of them reappearing. By introducing multiple checkpoints and verifications, you can reduce the chances that the mistakes will stack up causing unanticipated consequences. However, this should not be done without compromising the speed of processing in the lab.  Maintaining lab infrastructure, keeping a managed inventory, and coordinating your workflow are all kinds of barriers that can prevent critical errors. Managing all related data in your lab books will also enable you to resolve the mistakes as each test or experiment can be verified with comprehensive documentation even if the person is no longer a lab member. 

        5. Utilize Common Sense: 

        Some labs are specialized in carrying out a small set of techniques that need specific labels. For instance, Xylene-resistant labels for histochemistry labs. Regardless, most of the labs do not have tremendous resources with which to buy labels and equipment. Managing a lab cannot be like a one-size-fits-all approach. In this case, it’s crucial to assess what the issues are and to come up with answers from both financial and organizational standpoints. In most cases, simple solutions are enough. For instance, you can have signed-up sheets either online or on paper for machines like biosafety, centrifuges, cabinets, thermocyclers, etc. 

        6. Thinking Creatively:

        Following the current trends are important. You need to make sure that you’re thinking in a creative manner even for simpler things as it can help avoid issues in the lab and also can enhance the research pace. 

        7. Collaboration: 

        Efficient communication is crucial regardless of the lab you work in, but with every member consistently working on various techniques or projects, it's possible that they fall out of the habit of collaborating. Lab meetings are a significant way to solve problems, especially at the beginning of the week, so that everyone knows what their tasks are and how to complete them. It’s a good habit to make a relationship with your office mates even outside the lab as this helps to have excellent communication. 

        Hope the above blog helped you to know about managing a lab productively and its benefits in depth.

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        Keeping up with the fast-evolving world of trends means that smart work with innovation is required. Having a smart infrastructure built on informatics solutions can benefit the lab by implementing automation. Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) is a critical part of the system to be incorporated in all functioning laboratories for better results. The LIMS of today has gone far beyond just sample management invoking functions like resource management, workflow management, and many more. By adhering to the National Accreditation Board for Testing & Calibration Laboratories (NABL) standards, labs can manage NABL quality indicators easily.

        Quality control in Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) Software:

        Quality control in LIMS Software is the process of assurance of quality at every stage included in the automation system. It may also be called a statistical process used to evaluate the analytics produced in the patient’s results. The sampling of the product is continued after every successful stage until the end of the sample management process. Quality control is essential in LIMS used in clinical laboratories as the result cannot be tampered with. Quality control is done on three major factors in a clinical lab, which are:

        • Quality control on the sample
        • Quality control of the utilized equipment
        • Quality control for the process

        For quality control of the sample, the result might either be quantitative or qualitative. This means that the result can either be a number count (hemoglobin count in the blood) or can define if the test result is positive or negative or can be limited to a few different values alone.

        Quality control checks on the equipment or instrument are used to validate whether the instrument is operating within pre-defined specifications, inferring that patient test results are reliable. Once this validation is completed, the result of the patient can be used for further diagnosis.

        Sample management:

        Sample management is the primary process of a LIMS system. Any QC lab needs to analyze many kinds of samples depending on the industry of the laboratory. Our QC laboratory helps in the analyses of samples in a unique and distinct method. We have the following salient features for sample management:

        • Single-sample management and multi-sample management by using templated management techniques.
        • Sample recognition field that can easily identify the sample and log in the details, minimizing manual data entry.
        • Barcoded labels for sample tracking.
        • Implemented workflow automation features for reduced confusion and increased productivity.

        Preparation and Method Execution:

        • We have predefined execution methods for sample tracking, analysis of tracking response, complaint reception, reducing the dead time, and overall increasing the efficiency of our system.
        • Special features for execution such as content uniformity, dissolution, stability, etc.
        • Strict preparation and method execution policies like standardization, tracking of reagents, control of the environment, trainees, and equipment analysis.

        Report Management:

        We understand the importance of report generation and sensitivity in handling the report data. Hence we have assembled the following features for report management:

        • Instant visualization of any abnormal notifications.
        • Configurable testing methodologies and calculation techniques for managing high variant products.
        • Multiple level approvals with comment entries for sensitive results.

        Specialized Reporting:

        • Flexible facilities that are fully configurable to the product and customer level including layout, content, units, significant digits, etc.
        • Bi-directional integration with SAP-QM or SAP Batches for finished product testing. Interfaces to other ERP/MES systems are available.
        • Streamlined delivery of event notifications and results to end-users via e-mail, fax, etc.

        Decision Support:

        The documents like SOP, analytical, maintenance, etc. are version-controlled for ISO standard compliance.


        As important as quality control is in laboratories, so is analyzing the proper features best suited for every laboratory and making use of them appropriately. Some important Quality control features are as follows:

        • Latest and updated versions of specifications are available on request.
        • Multi-level product specification management is made with controlled releases.
        • Sample management, sample storage, and reserve management are all done with accuracy.
        • Sample planning with the batch-wise process and test plan management is done.
        • Templated sample management by templating the sample at registration is effectively carried out for sample tracking.
        • Quality control is done at multi-level, multi-departmental, and multi-premises.
        • Workflow management with work schedule according to work plan for analysts and instruments alike.
        • Accuracy in result capture and OOT management.
        • Quality control on instruments by instrument calibration and regular maintenance scheduled at different time intervals with a proper update on status lock for instruments.
        • Training on the new releases and sample management for every instrument is carried out for every lab personnel
        • Any deviations from the original workflow are promptly recorded and validated.
        • Stability in the study module is maintained.

        LIMS System quality control process allows managing the data of products, samples, and instruments alike regularly by monitoring at various levels. This ensures that quality can be monitored and, if necessary, actions to improve quality.

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        As labs are updated and become more modern, better methods of data management and record-keeping may be necessary to maintain or improve efficiency.  Luckily, there is a means to achieve this: Laboratory Information Management Systems, or LIMS.

        With the increase in disease and the growth in the medical diagnosis sector, the number of samples collected is increasing day by day. With the help of Machine interfacing, labs can handle a large volume of samples easily, increasing the efficiency of sample processing and the quality of lab reports.

        Types of Machine Interfacing in Laboratory Information Management System(LIMS):

        Uni-Directional Instruments:

        Overview: Uni-directional instruments operate on a one-way communication system, facilitating the seamless transfer of information from the samples to the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS). In this setup, results are stored within the LIMS database upon the completion of the test process. Unlike bi-directional instruments, which support two-way communication, uni-directional instruments focus on unidimensional data flow.

        Workflow Process: The workflow involves manual sample placement by the technician, who assumes the responsibility of strategically positioning samples for analysis. Additionally, the technician plays a crucial role in determining the specific type of sampling method to be employed. This hands-on approach ensures that the instrument receives accurate and relevant data for subsequent processing.

        Result Storage: Upon completion of the test, the results are systematically stored in the LIMS database. This unidirectional flow of information simplifies data management, with the LIMS acting as a centralized repository for comprehensive result storage. This streamlined process contributes to the efficiency of data retrieval and analysis within the laboratory setting.

        Technician Involvement: The technician's involvement is pivotal in the uni-directional instrument setup, as they guide the initial placement of samples and make informed decisions about the sampling technique. This level of manual intervention ensures precision and control over the testing process, aligning with the laboratory's specific requirements and protocols.

        Uni-directional instruments, by emphasizing one-way communication and manual input from skilled technicians, contribute to a structured and controlled laboratory environment where data accuracy and integrity are paramount.

        Bi-directional Instruments:

        Advanced Functionality: Bi-directional instruments represent a higher level of sophistication and advancement in laboratory technology. These instruments possess the capability to not only generate output data reports and results but also feature an Application Programming Interface (API). This advanced functionality enables the seamless exchange of data, information, commands, functions, and worklists with the system.

        Output Data Reports: One key feature of bi-directional instruments is their ability to generate comprehensive output data reports. These reports provide a detailed analysis of test results and relevant information, offering a comprehensive view of the findings. The generated reports serve as valuable documentation for further analysis and decision-making processes.

        Results Generation: Bi-directional instruments excel at producing accurate and timely results. The dual communication capabilities allow for efficient data transfer, ensuring that results are not only generated promptly but also transmitted seamlessly to the designated system or database.

        Application Programming Interface (API): A defining feature of bi-directional instruments is the inclusion of an Application Programming Interface (API). This interface facilitates the exchange of data, information, and commands between the instrument and the broader laboratory system. The API functionality enhances interoperability, enabling the instrument to import and export data with ease.

        Enhanced Connectivity: Bi-directional instruments contribute to enhanced connectivity within the laboratory ecosystem. The ability to import data, information, commands, functions, and worklists through the API fosters a dynamic and integrated environment. This connectivity streamlines laboratory processes, promoting efficiency and accuracy in data handling.

        Our LIMS System sends commands to the sampling unit on the type of sampling to be conducted with the given sample. After the testing is done by the LIMS command, the results are auto-fetched on the LIMS Server. The bi-directional instruments are interfaced with the LIMS system programmatically.

        The Need to Interface Instruments with LIMS Software:

        There are several reasons why it is beneficiary to interface lab instruments with LIMS Software. Let us look into a few reasons here:

        Increase in Productivity by Effective Machine Utilization:

        Interfacing your instruments with your LIMS Software is a one-time investment of cost and work with a repetitive increase in lab productivity and effectiveness. Interfacing LIMS Software with your lab instruments removes many complexities like manual entering of data every time or referring data from other instruments to the LIMS. This altogether saves a lot of time and effort when done by a LIMS rather than manually, also avoiding any human errors during data entry.

        Utilizing machines effectively can increase productivity drastically.  When the task is done manually, very few samples are completely analyzed in the given period, but with MI they can perform many sample processing and that will increase machine utilization and increase revenue.

        Increase in Data Quality by Reducing Manual Errors:

        The second best reason for interfacing your lab instruments with your LIMS Software is the increase in data quality and integrity. As a human, we are eligible to commit human errors that might not be over-influential over the system as a whole but might still be considered an error. By removing human interference, these errors are avoided thereby guaranteeing better data transfer in the system.

        Similarly, transcribing data into the system by people can also lead to common errors affecting the quality of data. Data integrity is considered a very important issue in laboratories. By interfacing your instruments to your LIMS System, you will eliminate this issue.

        Saves Time in output generation thereby satisfying the patients:

        Machine Interfacing helps to analyze the given samples at a faster rate and generates quality results within a shorter duration of time. After the result processing is done, the report will be generated manually.

        With the use of MI, ultimate patient satisfaction can be achieved by generating the results in a quick manner with good quality.

        Machine interfacing in laboratories is more of a comfort rather than a negative factor. What might be a one-time investment in your labs can save a lot of time and work when interfaced properly with your systems.

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